About Me

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A few years ago I decided to start a new career as a performer. I used to be a biology teacher but couldn't face walking around in a white coat all day teaching children who didn't want to learn. Actually it wasn't so much the children as the system cause I think all children want to learn - they just don't all want to learn in schools. Anyway I now work as a Life and Executive coach. Work is perhaps not the right word because it never feels like work. I just love to see people grow and change. I love it when they peel of the layers of limiting beliefs and find their true self. And I make some great frends in the process. I've re-discovered my writing and have published two poetry books and now working on 2 CDs, a novel, a book of short stories and talking to someone about a collaoration on a film script. That should keep me busy for a whild. Oh and I do bellydance.
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Thursday, 28 January 2010

Thanks for your support

Just a note to thank all of you who contacted me to offer your commiseration and support over the lost court case. No - I'm not particularly special for letting go of it. Forgiveness is not for the other person it's for me. Why? Because I then travel light. Last week I went to see one of my sons at work. His colleague thought I was his sister. It's very flattering and has much to do with not being weighed down by issues that I could let go of - and having great supportive friends of course.

A creative interlude

It's Writers Without Borders 10th Anerversary this year and the planning for a celebratory event's begun. It will most likely be as part of the Birmingham Book Festival in October. We're hoping to get an audience of 250-300 which means our usual venue - the Library Theatre - will be too small. We went to look at South Birmingham College's performance space in Digbeth and was mightily impressed. Great acoustics, modern comfortable seating, versatile performance space; they even have a green room (or the equivalent of). It's a vibrant place and one we may not have considered if it hadn't been recomended by the organizers of the book festival. We're also considering the CBSO centre - would have liked the Conservatoir but the seating is either 150 or 500.

After being a bit disconnected from poetry performance today's meeting reinjected a great deal of excitement and enthusiasim for the project. It feels great that we'll have a reasonable amount of time to plan it.

I wasn't quite as excited about my belly dance class last night. I came home wondering how on earth I'm going to be an international dancer if after two years of classes I can't do a competent Egyptian walk. There really is no short cut. This week if you see me anywhere walking a bit wierd - ignore me - just practicing my Egyptian walk.
Tuesday, 26 January 2010

A Royal night

I've just had the most randomly lovely night out with two of my tenants/housemates. I'd been invited for a coffee/green tea to one of the houses and suggested a drink out at Sutton Court Hotel instead. I wanted to show her a pub in Sutton that does music at weekends. We managed to persuade one of the housemates from Arthur Rd to conme as well (despite his essay referencing). It was only meant to be a couple of hours but lo and behold there was an open mike music night. The music was brill and one of the tenants took part. She has such a good voice that they were suggesting that she comes again. Insteadof being back home by 9.30 p.m. as planned we didn't make it till midnight. A couple of nightcaps later and it's nearly 1.15 a.m before I head up the wooden hill to a paitent and forgiving bed.

It's definitely worth a night out at the Royal in Sutton Coldfield on a Tuesday night; even better if you take part or bring someone with you who is prepared to take part. Sometimes life just hands you a bowl of cherries - totally unsolicited.
Monday, 25 January 2010

Change of Heart

Never thought the answer to the lost court case would come so soon. In fact it came the next day and I've spent the weekend assimilating it and making sure I understand it properly.

First let me say that on reflection I think the judge made the right decision with the information he was faced with. The injustice was not his. Second let me also say that I think the drainage man was entitled to far more than I had originallhy thought. When the judge went through everygthing point by point I could see that. It had never been my intention to not pay him for what he was due-I just couldn't see how he could have been due that much. I still don't think he's due quite as much as he got but I hold no grudges and will attempt to ensure he gets his money as soon as possible (he's waited long enough).

So what was the purpose? One of the main one that I can see is to bring me and Andrew closer. It's the first real adversity we've had to overcome and it has made us much stronger. Another is to help me to practice forgiveness. Now this has been challenging (particulary as I know that the drainage man lied in court), but I have been astounded at the help I've receive with this. Marrianne Williamson's 'Age of Miracles' showed me the way - that and 'A Course in Miracles'. So I can now with all sincerity send the drainage man the following heart felt message.

I release you and pray that you walk with angels
I release you and hope you dreams come true
I release you and wish you happiness
If I've caused you any pain on the way - please accept my apologies. God bless you.
Friday, 22 January 2010

Lost Court Case

Well, I don't mind admitting that I was totally gobsmacked when the judge found in favour of the drainage man today. It took a long time and a lot of questions but in the end he decided that I owed for most of the work carried out. Prior to going to court I had handed over the whole case to divine intellengce/the universe/God and made my mind up that I would go with whatever the judgement was so long as I did not compromise my integrity or my authentic self.

The final judgement including costs and interest came to just over £4700. If I'd been willing to compromise prior to the judgement the drainage man was asking for half that figure. This may seem strange to say but I will feel more comfortable paying what I'm told I have to pay because I still do not believe I owed him any more than a fraction of that. To have agreed to a compromise would have been doing things for expediency and in the end I had to do what was right - so that I am able to look myself in the mirror and know that I have remained authentic.

I have been in this position before when things have not gone as I expected them to - when I have known an injustice to have been done. On all occasions there has either a) been an unseen reason which has worked to my advantage later on or b) the person has not benefited from the injustice. I am aware enough to know that one of these will become evident in time. In the meantime I'll just carry on enjoying life without any regrets.
Monday, 11 January 2010
Yesterday's date 10/01/10 Today 11/01/10. Binary numbers rule. Just getting settled into the year, trying to loose the extra pounds hanging around since Christmas - especially as I've found a new bellydance class. Trying to slow things down a bit and reconnect with friends. The snow is certainly helping with the slowing down. Amazing how clean and fresh everything looks, how cleansed every street corner is. When nature takes control we are humbled.
Friday, 1 January 2010

Happy 2010

A nice bottle of Chablis an Hootanany. Bliss