About Me

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A few years ago I decided to start a new career as a performer. I used to be a biology teacher but couldn't face walking around in a white coat all day teaching children who didn't want to learn. Actually it wasn't so much the children as the system cause I think all children want to learn - they just don't all want to learn in schools. Anyway I now work as a Life and Executive coach. Work is perhaps not the right word because it never feels like work. I just love to see people grow and change. I love it when they peel of the layers of limiting beliefs and find their true self. And I make some great frends in the process. I've re-discovered my writing and have published two poetry books and now working on 2 CDs, a novel, a book of short stories and talking to someone about a collaoration on a film script. That should keep me busy for a whild. Oh and I do bellydance.
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Sunday, 22 June 2008

What a weekend!

It feels like my strategy for getting exposure is definitely working. It started when I got back from Spain last Sunday. There was a call from SB (Writers Without Borders) to ask if I'd do a radio promotion on NewStyle Radio the next morning. Fortunately I was free and managed to get an airing for a poem I'd only completed the day before while still in Spain.

Friday night I was dancing at the Bellydance Hafla in Sutton Coldfield - unfortunately not my best as a) I was knackered and b) I didn't know the dance that well. It was, however, great fun. I even stayed behind to join in the free for all dancing at the end - obviously gaining in confidence being able to put a small routine together.

Saturday was the WWB Fantastico evening with Infusion Ensamble - part of Refugee Week. We were a poetry group which included refugees and a band made up entirely of refugees from different countries. I had the prevelige of performing my poem 'Run Refugee Run' with the drummer of the band, Zirak. Thanks Zirak for bringing a new dimention to the poem. Look out for a clip on my website soon. It was a great night- everyone was up and dancing by the end. Infusion Ensamble will be performing again at the Yardbird in Birmingham on 6th July - part of Birmingham Jazz Festival and it all for free.

And then today me and Ester from WWB did an hour interview with two charming teenage presenters at Unity FM Radio. How do you answer the question 'What is poetry?' It was a great opportunity to air some of my earlier poems and another chance to do 'Run Refugee Run' and to remind myself how much I enjoy working with young people.